Thursday, August 9, 2012 : Top News updates

Lawyers: Colorado shooting suspect is mentally ill -
CENTENNIAL, Colo. -- Attorneys for the suspect in the Colorado movie theater shootings said Thursday their client is mentally ill and that they need more time to assess the nature of his illness. James Holmes' lawyers made the disclosure at a court …

Colorado shooting: Will shooter get lawyer mental illness tag to escape death - Indian Express
Attorneys for the suspect in the Colorado movie theater shootings said Thursday their client is mentally ill and that they need more time to assess the nature of his illness. James Holmes' lawyers made the disclosure at a court hearing in suburban …

Government won't prosecute Goldman Sachs in probe - USA TODAY
WASHINGTON - The Justice Department said Thursday it won't prosecute Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs or its employees in a financial fraud probe. In a written statement, the department said it conducted an exhaustive investigation of allegations brought …

Salehi warns against abrupt political change in Syria - Times of India

Tropical Storm Ernesto weakens over land, kills three - Reuters : Top News updates

Mars Curiosity rover snaps self-portrait and color panorama image - Los Angeles Times

John Baird's Mideast trip to boost Canadian role in Syria crisis - Globe and Mail
Foreign Minister John Baird flies to the Middle East Friday on a hastily organized mission intended to show Canadian support for two countries inundated with refugees fleeing the raging conflict in Syria. A trek to visit the teeming masses of displaced …

Heavy rain as Ernesto makes landfall in Mexico - CBS News

Syria: UN says no one will win (+video) - Christian Science Monitor
Syrian forces have pushed rebels back from a strategic district of Aleppo, but skirmishes continued in the city and the United Nations said the conflict engulfing Syria would have no winner. Diplomats told Reuters that veteran Algerian diplomat Lakhdar …

Bo Xilai scandal: Police on trial in Gu Kailai 'cover-up' - BBC News
Four policeman accused of covering up the murder of Briton Neil Heywood are to go on trial in China, a day after the wife of a former top politician was tried for the killing. The four are all senior officers from Chongqing, where the UK businessman … : Top News updates

NASA's Morpheus lander in fiery crash at Cape Canaveral - Reuters
* Prototype NASA landing vehicle goes up in smoke * Engineers still looking into cause of fiery accident By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., Aug 9 (Reuters) – A small NASA lander being tested for missions to the moon and other destinations beyond …

Tropical Storm Ernesto makes landfall in Mexico, heads inland with heavy rains ... - Washington Post
VERACRUZ, Mexico -- Tropical Storm Ernesto made landfall Thursday near the oil port city of Coatzacoalcos, killing two people as it moved inland and began weakening after drenching Mexico's flood-prone southern Gulf region. Ernesto came ashore after …

Libyan assembly votes Gaddafi opponent as president - Reuters
By Ali Shuaib | TRIPOLI (Reuters) – Libya's national assembly picked former opposition leader Mohammed Magarief as its president as the North African country's newly elected congress began its rule. Magarief, seen as a moderate Islamist, will head the …

Syria: UN says no one will win - Christian Science Monitor
Syrian forces have pushed rebels back from a strategic district of Aleppo, but skirmishes continued in the city and the United Nations said the conflict engulfing Syria would have no winner. Diplomats told Reuters that veteran Algerian diplomat Lakhdar … : Top News updates

Libya elects former Gadhafi foe as interim president - USA TODAY
TRIPOLI, Libya - Libya's newly formed national assembly elected former opposition leader Mohammed el-Megarif as the country's interim president on Friday, the latest move to establish a democratically based leadership after decades of rule by deposed … : Top News updates

Bolt Is First to Repeat as Winner of 100 and 200 Meters - New York Times
LONDON -- Usain Bolt is an all-but-impossible track and field act to follow. So on Thursday night, with the stadium full and the London weather just right, David Rudisha took full advantage of performing first. There were no pacemakers in this Olympic …

Quad 51: Name of Mars base evokes rich parallels on Earth - USA TODAY
PASADENA, Calif. - The conspiracy theorists are going to go nuts when they discover that NASA's Curiosity rover landed in "Area 51" inside Gale Crater. NASA officially is naming the landing site "Yellowknife" after the capital of the Northwest …

NASA's next lander CRASHES AND BURNS - Register
By Simon Sharwood, APAC Editor o Get more from this author NASA's prototype landing craft of the future, Morpheus, has crashed and burned in its latest launch test. Morpheus is designed to become a general-purpose lander capable of setting down … : Top News updates

Column: Women's soccer gold gets grand stage - ESPN
AP WEMBLEY, England — The game was nearly as grand as the stage, in doubt until the last seconds and so important that the winning country's commander in chief was following it back home. Across town, Usain Bolt was doing in London what he did in …

Man pleads guilty to killing, dismembering 8-year-old NY boy - Los Angeles Times
Leiby Kletzky wanted to walk home alone from day camp, and one day last summer, his protective parents relented. After all, they lived among close-knit Hasidic Jews in a safe Brooklyn area — a neighborhood where an 8-year-old boy should have been fine …

Usain Bolt does it again: gold in 200 - USA TODAY
LONDON - What's greater than a legend? Hero? Superhero? How about just plain ol' faster-than-anybody-ever Usain Bolt? Bolt, 25, did it again Thursday night, pulling away to another gold medal in the 200 meters with a time of 19.32 seconds -- well off …

What's so bad about RomneyCare? Just ask Andrea Saul. - Washington Post (blog)
By Melinda Henneberger At first, I wondered what Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul had done that was so unredeemable. Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigns at Central Campus High School in Des Moines, Iowa, …

Obama knocks Romney on renewable energy, tax shelter - Reuters
* President stresses need to support US wind energy * Romney campaign slams 'massive subsidies and handouts' By Jeff Mason PUEBLO, Colorado, Aug 9 (Reuters) – President Barack Obama, trying to blunt rival Mitt Romney's attacks on his economic record, …

Mars rover Curiosity sends back more postcards from Red Planet - Reuters
* Panoramic view shows rust-colored surface strewn with gravel * First 'self-portrait' reveals pebbles kicked up on top of craft * NASA engineers prepare vehicle for four-day software upgrade By Steve Gorman PASADENA, Calif., Aug 9 (Reuters) – The …

Pressure on Romney to pick Ryan as VP - Reuters
* Many conservatives like Ryan * Pawlenty, Portman also on short list * Decision expected soon, possibly next week By Steve Holland and Richard Cowan NEW YORK, Aug 9 (Reuters) – With Republican Mitt Romney on the verge of choosing a vice presidential …

Exclusive: Algerian Brahimi seen replacing Annan as Syria envoy - Reuters

James Holmes is mentally ill: lawyers - CBS News
(CBS News) CENTENNIAL, Colo. – Lawyers for James Holmes, the man charged in the Batman movie massacre, said Thursday that Holmes is mentally ill. The disclosure came when the lawyers appeared with Holmes at a Colorado court hearing into the attack that …

George Zimmerman to seek 'stand your ground' self-defense hearing - Los Angeles Times
Lawyers for George Zimmerman, accused in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, will seek a hearing under Florida's "stand your ground" self-defense law that could result in the dismissal of all criminal charges. Zimmerman's defense team is using the … : Top News updates

Curiosity prepped for software upgrade; snaps panorama - CNET
While scientists marvel at new views of Mars from the Curiosity rover, engineers are gearing up to load new software in a bit of electronic brain surgery that will take several days to complete. by William Harwood Part of a color panorama made up of …

Japanese fans dejected after 2-1 loss to US women in Olympic soccer final - Washington Post
TOKYO -- Japanese soccer fans who got up before dawn to watch their team take on the US women for the Olympic soccer gold medal started their day with disappointment. Just over a year ago, Japan enjoyed a stunning victory over the US in the women's …

Tension between Romney and conservative stalwarts resurfaces -

War of Words And Arms Amid Assault In Syrian City - New York Times
BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Syrian rebels in embattled Aleppo tried to maintain morale on Thursday by highlighting small gains in the midst of a withdrawal from the most contested area of the city, as government forces fired on their positions with jets, …

Assad replaces fugitive PM; Aleppo rebels pull back - Pakistan Daily Times
ALEPPO: Syrian President Bashar al Assad named a new prime minister on Thursday to replace most senior government defector as his forces pushed rebels back from a strategic district in Aleppo. Assad appointed Wael al Halki, a Sunni Muslim from the …

Nagasaki marks bomb with nuke-free Japan call - Pakistan Daily Times
TOKYO: The mayor of Nagasaki called Thursday for a Japan free of nuclear fears as the city marked the 67th anniversary of its World War II atomic bombing by the United States. "Even during wartime there are certain unacceptable actions," Tomihisa Taue …

Sect found after nearly a decade - Pakistan Daily Times
Seventy members of a radical sect who have been living in an underground bunker without heat or sunlight for nearly a decade have been discovered living on the outskirts of the city of Kazan in Russia, local media reported. The sect members included 20 …

Sinai buildup shifts tenet of Egypt-Israel peace - CBS News
CAIRO -- Egyptian troops, light tanks, armored vehicles and attack helicopters are pouring into the Sinai desert to root out increasingly aggressive Islamic militants in the most significant easing to date of a key provision in the landmark 1979 peace …

Iran holds Syria conference, pushes for peace talks - Times of India
TEHRAN: Iran on Thursday backed moves to start peace talks between the Syrian regime and opposition groups as it hosted a 29-nation conference on the conflict gripping its key ally. Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi told reporters after the … : Top News updates

USA Women Win Gold In Soccer - ESPN

Obama visits Olympic training center, congratulates gold-medal winning women's ... - Washington Post
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- President Barack Obama has congratulated the US women's soccer team for winning the Olympic gold medal. Obama visited the US Olympic Committee's training center in Colorado Springs Thursday and singled out the women's soccer …

Libyan national assembly votes Magarief president - Reuters UK

Sensational China trial ends in seven hours, verdict later - Reuters
* Bo Xilai's wife does not contest murder charge * Focus shifts to what will happen to Bo * Closed-door trial lasted just seven hours By John Ruwitch HEFEI, China, Aug 9 (Reuters) – The woman at the centre of China's most politically explosive trial in …

US still believes Iran not on verge of nuclear weapon - Reuters
| WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States still believes that Iran is not on the verge of having a nuclear weapon and that Tehran has not made a decision to pursue one, US officials said on Thursday. Their comments came after Israeli media reports …

Recommended: Belarus arrests two in wake of teddy bear airdrop - (blog)
First for breaking news and analysis: Compelling world news stories from NBC News journalists. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Journalists Irina Kozlik, left, and Julia Doroshkevich show victory signs from the back of a police car on their arrival …

Drenched Philippines Shifts to Rescue Mode - Voice of America
MANILA -- The Philippine weather service has lifted its storm warning for the capital, Manila. Flood waters that affected more than two-million people are now receding. Three days of flooding in the capital region and immediate surrounding provinces … : Top News updates

Obama Hits Romney on Wind Credit Stance in Colorado - Businessweek
By Margaret Talev and John McCormick on August 09, 2012 President Barack Obama attacked Republican challenger Mitt Romney for opposing the extension of a tax credit for wind energy, telling a Colorado audience that letting it lapse would cost their …

Syrian Rebels Look to Enclave as Route to Victory - Wall Street Journal

Iran Tries to Calm Syria Crisis as Violence Rages - ABC News
As Syrian forces struggled to drive rebels from the country's largest city, the regime's key ally Iran tried Thursday to start an alternative political process to address the crisis. Iran gathered an array of nations ranging from strong supporters of …

Iran tries to calm Syria crisis as violence rages - Businessweek

Little sign of battle in Egypt's Sinai region - Reuters
* Officials say hundreds of soldiers arrive in area * Israel says Egypt acting with "determination" * Targeting "haphazard", residents say * Local villagers sceptical about military operation By Tamim Elyan SHAIKH ZUWAID, Egypt, Aug 9 (Reuters) – Egypt …

Trial to Spotlight Bo's Chongqing Security Chiefs - Voice of America : Top News updates

Usain Bolt wins Olympic gold in 200 meters, 1st man to win back-to-back sprint ... - CBS News
(AP) LONDON – When the stakes are the biggest, the spotlight most bright, Usain Bolt is as good as gold. Good as there's ever been. Putting the field far enough behind that he could slow up over his last few strides and put his left index finger to his …

Obama camp picks at possible Romney VP choices - The Associated Press
By By DAN SEWELL and BRIAN BAKST - 1 minute ago CINCINNATI (AP) -- President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies aren't waiting for Republican Mitt Romney to reveal his vice presidential choice. They're already trying to scuff up those considered by …

US forecasters see higher chance of Atlantic hurricanes, but storms should ... - Washington Post

Facebook Stats Reveal Men Most Interested in Mars Rover Landing - Mashable

Clashes rage in rebel bastions of Syria's Aleppo - The Associated Press
By ZEINA KARAM, AP - 3 hours ago BEIRUT (AP) -- Clashes between government troops and rebels raged Thursday in opposition bastions of besieged Aleppo as President Bashar Assad's key state backer Iran hosted a gathering of countries for talks on how to …

Four staffers for former Rep. McCotter to face criminal charges for petition fraud - ABC News
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette on Thursday announced that his office is filing criminal charges against four members of former Democratic Rep. Thad McCotter's congressional staff. The accusations relate to alleged fraud surrounding nominating …

Mars rover sends back 1st 360-degree color view - Businessweek
PASADENA, Calif. (AP) -- The Curiosity rover has returned another postcard from Mars -- the first 360-degree color view from Gale Crater. Since landing Sunday night, NASA's six-wheel rover has been sending home a trickle of pictures, beginning with …

Killer of Leiby Kletzky Pleads Guilty to Murder of 8-Year-Old - New York Times
Levi Aron pleaded guilty on Thursday to killing Leiby Kletzky, the 8-year-old boy from the insular Hasidic community of Borough Park, Brooklyn, whose disappearance while walking home from camp and the ghastly discovery of his dismembered remains …

Romney Embraces Mass. Health Plan Again - ABC News
Mitt Romney secured the GOP presidential nomination in spite of the health care law he passed in Massachusetts. That legislation, which mandated people buy insurance, was the basis for the federal law that the candidate has pledged to move toward …

Trial of Chinese Ex-Official's Wife Begins and Ends - New York Times
HEFEI, China -- The murder trial of Gu Kailai, the wife of the deposed political leader Bo Xilai, began here on Thursday morning and came to an end seven hours later, with officials saying that the defendant and an accomplice had all but confessed to …

US forecasters raise Atlantic hurricane outlook - CBS News

Sikhs return to Wisc. temple after shooting - CBS News
(AP) MILWAUKEE – Sikhs are returning to a US temple for the first time since the shootings that killed six worshippers and left three people critically wounded. Inderjeet Singh Dhillon, a community leader at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, …

Obama attacks Romney for opposing extension of wind energy tax credit - Washington Post
Aug. 9 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama attacked Republican Mitt Romney for opposing extension of a tax credit for wind energy, telling a Colorado audience letting it lapse would cost their state thousands of jobs. On the second day of a trip …

Claressa Shields of US wins Olympic middleweight gold medal - CBS News
(AP) LONDON – Claressa Shields won the first middleweight gold medal in women's Olympic boxing, a dominant victory by an exuberant American teenager who danced, brawled and even stuck out her tongue. Irish lightweight Katie Taylor and British flyweight …

Drawn-out Aleppo fight suggests strains in Syria army - Reuters
* Army gunners may be softening up rebels before assault * Doubts grow that army has enough motivated men for ground attack * Prospect of outside intervention may be staying Assad's hand By Hadeel Al Shalchi and William Maclean ALEPPO/LONDON, …

Drawn-out Aleppo fight suggests strains in Syria army - Reuters
* Army gunners may be softening up rebels before assault * Doubts grow that army has enough motivated men for ground attack * Prospect of outside intervention may be staying Assad's hand By Hadeel Al Shalchi and William Maclean ALEPPO/LONDON, …