Friday, August 24, 2012 : Top News updates

Breivik Victims Endure 'Period of Hatred' - Wall Street Journal
By BY KJETIL MALKENES HOVLAND OSLO--The sentencing of mass killer Anders Behring Breivik to 21 years in prison was a significant milestone in what was the worst terror attack on Norwegian soil, but it did little to stitch up the emotional wounds of …

Anders Breivik declared sane: live -
o Anders Behring Breivik declared sane o Faces maximum 21 years in prison o Prosecution may appeal o Secure unit awaits Breivik o Follow @RichardAlleyne for courtroom updates Latest 1.04pm If anyone was in doubt that this verdict is a long one, …

Lance Armstrong subject to lifetime ban and fan fallout - CBS News
(CBS News) In a statement released late Thursday night, celebrated cyclist Lance Armstrong announced he would no longer fight charges that he used performance enhancing drugs throughout his esteemed career. "There comes a point in every man's life when …

Friday's letters: Tough questions -
To the editor: We keep hearing Barack Obama ask Mitt Romney for tax records. Here are some questions to ask Obama: Our national debt increased almost 50 percent during your term. Will the next four years be different, or will it increase another 50 …

TSX may open lower after Merkel's comments
People walk past an electronic board displaying the midday TSX index in Toronto(Reuters) – Canadian stock futures pointed to a slightly lower on Friday after cautious comments by German Chancellor Angela Merkel on ending the euro zone debt crisis. TOP STORIES Angela Merkel said on Friday after meeting Greek premier Antonis Samaras that Germany would not judge his country's performance on its reform targets prematurely but would await a report by the "troika" of international lenders due next month. The U.S. …

Chrysler's Ram 1500 pickup truck relying on fuel economy, price
(Reuters) – Chrysler Group LLC is betting that better fuel economy and a moderate 1 percent increase in price from last year’s models will help its line of 2013 Ram 1500 pickup trucks gain ground on industry leaders from Ford and Chevrolet. The first redesign since 2009 for the biggest-selling vehicle in the Chrysler lineup has led to a pickup truck with more technology and less weight to go along with the usual pickup truck marketing features of power and towing ability, analysts who have driven the new Ram 1500 said. The Ram 1500 goes on sale in the United States in October. …

Israel accuses Iran of accelerating work towards atomic weapons
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Iran on Friday of making “accelerated progress towards achieving nuclear weapons”, adding that it was “totally ignoring” Western demands to rein in its atomic program. Netanyahu made the remarks to a visiting U.S. congressman the day after diplomatic sources told Reuters that Iran had installed more uranium enrichment machines in an underground bunker, potentially paving the way for a significant expansion of its nuclear work. …

Vandals damage monument to late Russian leader Yeltsin
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Vandals defaced one of Russia’s few monuments to its first post-Soviet president Boris Yeltsin on Friday, covering it with blue paint and chipping the letters of his name on the pedestal, police in his home region in the Ural Mountains said. Yeltsin gained popularity by challenging the Soviet Union’s Communist bosses with calls for faster reform, but he is reviled by many Russians who accuse him of hastening the Soviet collapse and have dark memories of his rule in the chaotic 1990s. …

Imam turned in Pakistan 'blasphemy' girl 'to protect her'
Police arrested the girl, Rimsha, who reportedly has Down's Syndrome, in a low-income area of the capitalThe Pakistani cleric who handed over a young Christian girl to police on blasphemy charges in a poor suburb of Islamabad claimed Friday he did so to protect her from mob violence.

DR. Congo rebels accuse army of recruiting children
M23 is formed of men who started deserting from the army in AprilThe M23 rebel movement which is fighting the regular army in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo accused the army Friday of forcibly recruiting civilians, notably children.

Three killed in Baghdad prayer twin blasts
The damage caused by a car bomb in Sadr City in May. Twin blasts went off in the Baghdad neighbourhood FridayTwo explosions in the Sadr City neighbourhood of north Baghdad ahead of Friday prayers killed three people and wounded at least eight, security and medical officials said.

Armstrong facing loss of 7 Tour de France titles after giving up fight against doping charges
AUSTIN, Texas – Never one to back away from a fight, Lance Armstrong is finally giving in and the cost of quitting is steep: His seven Tour de France titles could be gone as soon as Friday.

Camorra crime boss shot down leaving beach
Authorities were searching Friday for a gunman who shot and killed an organized crime boss clad in a swimsuit as he walked from a beach to join his family in a hotel in Terracina, a resort town south of Rome.

Could England's King Richard III lie under a car park?
LONDON (Reuters) – A 500-year-old mystery of where England’s King Richard III was buried after his death in battle may finally be about to be solved as archaeologists prepare to search for his bones beneath a city centre parking lot. A team from the University of Leicester starts excavation work on Saturday at the car park, where a Franciscan friary known as Greyfriars housed the monarch’s remains after he died at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 – the last English king to die in battle. “The chances of getting the Greyfriars are about 80 percent. …

Egypt editor freed after president issues new law
In this Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012 photo, Newspaper editor Islam Afifi, right, walks out of a Cairo police station hours after a court had ordered Afifi to remain in prison pending trial in September over accusations of slandering the president and harming public interest for inflammatory articles published in el-Dustour newspaper in Cairo, Egypt. Hours after the court decision was announced, President Mohammed Morsi passed his first law since assuming lawmaking powers banning the imprisonment of journalists who face trial on media-related charges. (AP Photo/Ahmed Abd el FatahThe editor of an independent Egyptian daily has been released from jail just hours after the country's Islamist president issued a new law that bans imprisoning journalists on charges related to their articles.

S. Africa revives talks with miners after bloodshed
Lonmin has said striking workers will not be punished during a week of mourning for the deadSouth Africa on Friday revived mediation efforts in its platinum belt, aiming to contain labour discontent among mineworkers following the nation's deadliest police action since apartheid.

Sectarian clashes kill three more in Lebanon's Tripoli
Smoke rises during sectarian clashes between Sunni Muslims and Alawites in Tripoli, northern LebanonBEIRUT (Reuters) – At least three people including an Sunni Islamist commander were killed on Friday in a fifth day of sporadic sectarian fighting in Lebanon's northern city of Tripoli triggered by the conflict in neighboring Syria. A Lebanese security source said the situation in Tripoli, where clashes between Sunni Muslims and Alawites have killed 16 people since Monday, was "alarming and dangerous .. It is very likely that it will escalate this time". …

FDI in India slumps 78% in June
Experts say foreign investment is crucial for IndiaForeign direct investment in India slid by 78 percent in June, official figures showed on Friday, amid mounting worries about corruption, bureaucratic delays and lack of economic reforms.

Two Thai lese majeste convicts given royal pardon
Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej (centre) and Queen Sirikit (second right)Two men were released from jail Friday after receiving pardons for insulting Thailand's revered monarchy, according to the kingdom's prison authorities. : Top News updates

Breivik deemed sane, sentenced to prison for bomb and gun attacks he calls ... - Washington Post

Greek PM in Germany: need 'time to breathe'
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, right, and the Prime Minister of Greece Antonis Samaras, step on a podium to listen to the national anthems during a welcome ceremony prior to a meeting at the chancellery in Berlin, Germany, Friday, Aug. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)Greece's prime minister is telling Germany that his country needs "time to breathe" as it carries through painful reforms and spending cuts.

Report: 2 TV reporters missing in Syria are alive
The wife of a journalist for a U.S.-funded television network who was reported missing in Syria says he is believed to be in the custody of pro-government forces there.

Hunt for Richard III remains under car park
Sir Laurence Olivier, pictured in his role as Shakespeare's Archaelogists are hoping to find the lost remains of King Richard III — by digging up a Leicester car park believed to be his burial site.

UK economy shrank 0.5 pct in April-June, less than previous estimate, but still in recession
slightly less than previously feared -- though the revised official figures published Friday still show the country is stuck in recession.

Elisabeth Murdoch: I don't want the top job
Elisabeth Murdoch gestures during a rehearsal of her MacTaggart Lecture during the Edinburgh International Television Festival in EdinburghEDINBURGH (Reuters) – Elisabeth Murdoch said on Friday she had no ambition to succeed her father Rupert as head of his News Corp global media empire, but had intervened to limit her brother's ambitions. "I really harbour absolutely no ambition for a top job (as head of News Corp)," she told a question and answer session at the annual Edinburgh Television Festival. She was speaking the day after she used a keynote speech to attack James, previously seen as the most likely Murdoch to take over as head of News Corp, and to praise the values of her father. …

Japan hints at South Korean bond buying freeze
South Korea controls the islands, called Dokdo in South Korea and Takeshima in JapanJapan hinted Friday it could freeze its plan to buy South Korean government bonds as a deepening diplomatic rift over disputed islands threatened to spill over into economic ties.

Murdoch's Sun defies royals, prints naked Harry pics
A man passes a newstand displaying copies of The Sun newspaper in LondonLONDON (Reuters) – Rupert Murdoch's Sun tabloid on Friday became the first British newspaper to defy the royal family by printing pictures of Prince Harry cavorting naked in Las Vegas, stoking a debate about what papers can print in the name of press freedom. While newspapers across the globe have published the images of Queen Elizabeth's grandson naked with an unnamed woman after they appeared on a U.S. gossip website on Wednesday, the British media had decided not to do so until this point. …

Iran hails Non-Aligned summit as diplomatic coup against West
DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran hopes to earn diplomatic kudos over the coming week as it hosts a summit of 120 developing nations, but any jubilation could turn sour over starkly different views on the bloody conflict in Syria. The Islamic Republic’s three-year tenure as head of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), which starts on Sunday, is a chance for Tehran to elevate its international standing as the United States seeks to cripple its economy and isolate it diplomatically over its disputed nuclear program. …

Japan tough but wary on South Korea row; debt plan, fx deal on line
TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan talked tough on Friday in an emotional row with South Korea, with lawmakers calling on Seoul to end its “illegal occupation” of a disputed island chain, but the prime minister also called for calm and a diplomatic solution to the feud. Tension between the North Asian countries, both close U.S. security allies, flared this month after President Lee Myung-bak became the first South Korean leader to set foot on the islands claimed by both countries. …

Twin Iraq blasts target prayers
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Twin blasts in Baghdad on Friday, one exploding beside a pulpit during prayers, killed at least three people and wounded six, a Reuters witness and police sources said. The attacks are the latest in a wave of violence that underline Iraq’s struggle to overcome a stubborn insurgency eight months after U.S. troops left. The first bomb detonated beside the pulpit, while a preacher was leading prayers at an outdoor mosque in the mainly-Shi’ite Sadr City neighborhood. Moments later, a second device, that had been hidden under weeds amid the worshippers, exploded. …

S. Africa win toss and field against England
Rain delayed the start of play between England and South AfricaSouth Africa captain AB de Villiers won the toss and elected to field in the first of five one-day internationals against England at Cardiff on Friday.

Paralympic cauldron lit in London
British wheelchair basketball players practice shooting baskets under the dome in St Paul's CathedralA ceremonial cauldron was lit in London on Friday with five days to go to the opening of the Games which Prime Minister David Cameron promised Britons would "make us proud". : Top News updates

Norway jails "sane" Breivik for maximum term - Reuters
By Balazs Koranyi | OSLO (Reuters) – Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik was jailed for a maximum term on Friday when judges declared him sane enough to answer for the murder of 77 people last year, drawing a smirk of triumph from the …

Armstrong ends fight against doping charges, to lose titles - Reuters
By Dan Whitcomb | LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong said he would no longer fight doping charges by the US Anti-Doping Agency, which quickly said it would strip him of his titles and ban him from competitive …

Evidence vs. Ideology in the Medicare Debate - New York Times (blog)
By LAURA D'ANDREA TYSON When formulating public policy, evidence should be accorded more weight than ideology, and facts should matter more than shibboleths. The Romney-Ryan plan for Medicare reform depends on assertions that are ideologically …

Breivik spent years training and plotting for Oslo massacre - The Guardian
When Anders Behring Breivik announced in the spring of 2011 that he was moving out of Oslo to become a farmer, his friends were pleased. After five years dossing about unemployed at his mum's flat, including a whole 12 months playing video games day …

Pakistan: US drones hit militant hideouts, kill 18
U.S. missiles slammed into three compounds close to the Afghan border Friday, killing 18 suspected militants, Pakistani officials said, just a day after the government summoned an American diplomat to protest drone strikes in the country’s northwest tribal region.

US drone attacks kill at least 15 militants in Pakistan
Protests against drone attacks in Pakistan in May. Pakistan has repeatedly criticised US drone attacks in its territoryUS drone strikes targeting three militant compounds on Friday killed at least 15 people in Pakistan's restive tribal region near the Afghan border, security officials said.

Mortar fire targeting Shiites kills 3 in Iraq
Iraqi officials say mortar fire targeting Shiite worshippers has killed three people and wounded eight in Baghdad.

Linsanity hits Hong Kong as NBA star celebrates birthday
Jeremy Lin, shown speaking with a fan in Hong Kong on Friday, called the city Fans mobbed American basketball star Jeremy Lin on Friday as he celebrated his birthday with his family in Hong Kong.

Neopolitan crime boss shot down leaving beach
Authorities are searching for two men who shot and killed an organized crime boss who was vacationing on a beach with his family south of Rome.

Elisabeth Murdoch: I don't want the top job
EDINBURGH (Reuters) – Elisabeth Murdoch said on Friday she had no ambition to succeed her father Rupert as head of his News Corp global media empire. “I have really absolutely no ambition for a top job (as head of News Corp),” she said. Her comments came in a question and answer session the morning after she used a keynote speech to attack her brother, James, previously seen as the most likely Murdoch to take over as head of News Corp, and to praise the values of her father. (Reporting by Paul Sandle; Editing by Stephen Addison)

Elisabeth Murdoch takes aim at brother on media morality
Elisabeth Murdoch speaks during a rehearsal of her MacTaggart Lecture during the Edinburgh International Television Festival in EdinburghEDINBURGH (Reuters) – Elisabeth Murdoch urged the media industry on Thursday to embrace morality and reject her brother James's mantra of profit at all costs, in a speech seen as an attempt to distance herself from the scandal that has tarnished the family name. Addressing television executives, she said profit without purpose was a recipe for disaster and the phone hacking scandal at the News of the World tabloid – which has badly hurt her father Rupert Murdoch's News Corp empire – showed the need for a rigorous set of values. …

Swiss lab to test Yasser Arafat's remains for poison
A woman walks past a mural of Yasser Arafat (right) and late Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed YassinA Swiss radiology lab said Friday it has received the go-ahead from the widow of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to test his remains for poisoning by polonium, a highly radioactive element.

Pujara ton guides India to healthy total
HYDERABAD, India (Reuters) – Cheteshwar Pujara and Mahendra Singh Dhoni added 127 runs for the sixth wicket before New Zealand battled back to polish off the tail, dismissing the hosts for a first innings 438 on the second day of the opening test on Friday. Pujara (159) and Dhoni (73) both fell trying to attack off-spinner Jeetan Patel, who finished with four for 100, as the hosts lost their last wicket on the stroke of tea. Left-arm paceman Trent Boult chipped in with figures of 3-93. …

PR consultant says more Prince Harry photos might be on the way as Murdoch's Sun splashes pics
LONDON – A prominent British public relations guru says he’s been approached by two women who want to sell their photos of Prince Harry.

Syria spillover clashes escalate in Lebanon
Lebanese commandos ride in an armored personnel carrier in preparation to enter the area of clashes between supporters and opponents of the Syrian regime, in the northern port city of Tripoli, Lebanon, Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012. The civil war in Syria is affecting its fragile, tiny neighbor Lebanon in countless ways and has already spilled over into sectarian street clashes, kidnappings and general government paralysis.(AP Photo/Hussein Malla)Security officials say fresh clashes have broken out in northern Lebanon between supporters and opponents of Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime.

Norway's Breivik deemed sane, sentenced to prison
Mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, makes a salute after he arrives at the court room in a courthouse in Oslo Friday Aug. 24, 2012 . Breivik has been declared sane and sentenced to prison for bomb and gun attacks that killed 77 people last year. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)A Norwegian court sentenced Anders Behring Breivik to prison on Friday, denying prosecutors the insanity ruling they hoped would show that his massacre of 77 people was the work of a madman, not part of an anti-Muslim crusade.

Dozens of Egyptians protest against Islamist president
A child belonging to supporters of Egypt's President Mursi looks at members of riot police guarding the presidential palace, in CairoCAIRO (Reuters) – Dozens of Egyptians protested against President Mohamed Mursi in Cairo on Friday, seeking to challenge the Islamist president and his Muslim Brotherhood group on the street less than two months into his rule with a first test of his popularity. Activists behind Friday's call to protest accuse Mursi of seeking to monopolize power after he wrested back prerogatives in August that the military council, which had ruled Egypt for a year and a half, had sought to retain for itself. "Wake up Egyptian people. … : Top News updates

Mass-killer Breivik sane and sentenced to prison - USA TODAY
OSLO, Norway (AP) - Anders Behring Breivik got what he wanted -- a prison term instead of an insanity ruling -- as he received his sentence Friday for bomb and gun attacks that killed 77 people last year. Breivik, a self-styled anti-Muslim militant, …

PR consultant: More Harry photos may emerge soon
A prominent British public relations guru says he’s been approached by two women who want to sell their photos of Prince Harry.

Q&A about Norway massacre case
Mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, smiles as he arrives at the courtroom in a courthouse in Oslo Friday Aug. 24, 2012 . Breivik was convicted Friday of terrorism and premeditated murder for bomb and gun attacks that killed 77 people and sentenced to a special prison term that would allow authorities to keep him locked up for as long as he is considered dangerous. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)A chapter of a terror case that has haunted Norway for 13 months ended Friday as confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik was declared sane and sent to prison for bomb and gun attacks that killed 77 people and injured 200 others last year.

Ethiopia's new leader Hailemariam emerges
Hailemariam Desalegn took over as interim leader on the death of MelesPolitical preparations in Ethiopia for the handover of power to expected new leader Hailemariam Desalegn gathered pace Friday, following the death of the longtime ruler Meles Zenawi this week.

Spain regions, doctors defy immigrant healthcare ban
MADRID (Reuters) – Some Spanish doctors and regions say they will defy a ban on free healthcare for an estimated 150,000 undocumented immigrants, imposed by the central government as part of spending cuts to avoid an international bailout. Five of Spain’s 17 autonomous regions – including Catalonia and Andalucia which provide more than a third of national economic output and are not governed by the central government’s ruling People’s Party (PP) – said they would continue to treat immigrants who have no papers. …

Bridge collapses in China, killing three
A smashed truck lies a few feet from giant blocks of concrete where the bridge collapsedThree people were killed and five injured when an eight-lane bridge in northeast China collapsed early on Friday, only nine months after it opened, state media said.

Hippo dies in SAfrica rescue op
Harry the hippo in the water at the Monate Conservation Lodge near Modimolle, South Africa, Thursday, Aug. 23. 2012. The young hippopotamus plopped into the pool on Tuesday for a swim and has not been able to get out. A game capture team will sedate the hippo and lift it out with a crane Friday. (AP Photo) SOUTH AFRICA OUTA hippo that had wandered into a swimming pool at a game reserve in South Africa has died as a game capture team tried to extract it.

Spain's national TV resumes bullfight broadcasts
Spain’s state TV says it will again air live bullfights after a six-year halt, giving a boost to a centuries-old tradition hit by falling popularity and the economic crisis.

French leader to meet Italy's Monti in Rome
French President Francois Hollande will travel to Rome next month to meet Italy’s Mario Monti as part of concerted efforts to bolster confidence in the euro currency.

Hong Kong apartment fetches record $61 million
Property prices in Hong Kong are soaring so that even the upper middle class are unable to purchase homesA luxury apartment in Hong Kong has sold for a record HK$470 million ($61 million), making it the priciest condominium in the Chinese city and possibly the second most expensive in the world, reports said Friday.

UK government: Economy shrank 0.5 percent in Q2
Britain’s economy shrank by 0.5 percent between April and June -- a slightly less severe contraction than previously feared but the revised figures still show the country is stuck in recession.

British economy shrinks by 0.5% in second quarter
GDP figures were revised in light of smaller-than-expected falls in the production and construction sectorsBritain's economic output fell by 0.5 percent in the second quarter, which was better than previously thought but still left the country mired in recession, official data showed on Friday.

Pakistan: US missiles hit hideouts, kill 18
American missiles slammed into militant hideouts close to the Afghan border Friday, killing 18 suspected militants, Pakistani officials said, just a day after the government summoned an American diplomat to protest the drone strikes in the tribal areas.

Military hits town near Damascus; 100 killed nationwide
Members of the Free Syrian Army exchange places as they take cover during clashes with Syrian army soldiers in Aleppo's Saif al-Dawla districtALEPPO, Syria (Reuters) – Troops and tanks swept into a town near Damascus on Thursday in an assault aimed at crushing opposition to President Bashar al-Assad in Syria's increasingly bloody civil war. Artillery and helicopters hammered the Sunni Muslim town of Daraya, killing 25 people and wounding 200 over the last 48 hours, opposition sources said. Soldiers moved in and raided houses. "Artillery is firing from Qasioun Mountain in regular bursts of heavy barrages. I wonder what is left of the town," said one woman watching the shelling from Damascus. …

Amateur jihad tests Syrian rebel resources
ALEPPO, Syria (Reuters) – Talal Mohammad is a long way from Tennessee, and he’s out of his depth. In an olive grove a few miles from the frontlines of Aleppo, he’s at a loss to explain to a battle-hardened bunch of Syrian rebels what exactly this prosperous, U.S.-trained Saudi dentist is doing there – and what he can offer to their cause. “Why have you come?” asked one of his new comrades, sharply, as they shared a traditional evening meal, the iftar to break the Ramadan fast, in the twilight of a makeshift training camp. …

China sends refugees back to Kachin war zone: rebels
A Kachin child plays in a refugee camp on the border with China. Thousands of families have fled the fightingChina has pushed thousands of refugees from Myanmar's Kachin minority back across the border into a province wracked by fighting between government troops and ethnic guerillas, the rebels said Friday. : Top News updates

Norway court: Anders Breivik sane, going to prison - CBS News
(AP) OSLO, Norway -- Anders Behring Breivik got what he wanted -- a prison term instead of an insanity ruling -- as he received his sentence Friday for bomb and gun attacks that killed 77 people last year. Breivik, a self-styled anti-Muslim militant, …

S. Korea footballer in island row spared military duty
Park Jong-Woo (L) was barred from the London Olympic medal ceremonyA South Korean footballer will be excused military service despite controversially displaying a sign on a territorial dispute at the Olympic Games, the head of conscription said on Friday.

Merkel and Hollande unite in tough message for Greece
German Chancellor Merkel talks with France's President Hollande before a meeting at the Chancellery in BerlinBERLIN (Reuters) – Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande presented a united front towards Greece on Thursday, telling Athens it should not expect leeway on its bailout agreement unless it sticks to tough reform targets. The German and French leaders met in Berlin to fine-tune their message to Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, who begins a charm offensive in Berlin and Paris this week in the hope of persuading Europe's big powers that Greece deserves patience. …

IMF to visit Serbia mid-Sept, will not discuss lending
BELGRADE (Reuters) – The International Monetary Fund said on Friday it would visit Serbia in mid-September to assess the Balkan country’s macroeconomic outlook and fiscal situation but would not discuss a new lending programme. IMF resident representative Bogdan Lissovolik said in a statement that the mission would also discuss the Fund’s concerns about legislation adopted this month on the Serbian central bank that he said “undermined its autonomy.” (Writing by Matt Robinson. Editing by Jeremy Gaunt.)

Ill. police: Teen held 2 years escapes captors; man and his mother in custody, child recovered
WASHINGTON PARK, Ill. – A teen girl reported missing more than two years ago told police she escaped a home in southwestern Illinois where she had been held captive and repeatedly sexually assaulted.

Syrian forces strike Aleppo as West pressures Assad
France voiced support for a partial no-fly zone over SyriaSyrian forces blitzed areas in and around the city of Aleppo Friday, destroying a number of homes, activists said, as Western powers sought to tighten the screws on strongman Bashar al-Assad.

Breivik deemed sane and sentenced to prison
Mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, makes a salute after he arrives at the court room in a courthouse in Oslo Friday Aug. 24, 2012 . Breivik has been declared sane and sentenced to prison for bomb and gun attacks that killed 77 people last year. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)Anders Behring Breivik was convicted Friday of terrorism and premeditated murder for bomb and gun attacks that killed 77 people and sentenced to a special prison term that would allow authorities to keep him locked up for as long as he is considered dangerous.

Breivik deemed sane and sentenced to prison for bomb and gun attacks
OSLO – Anders Behring Breivik has been declared sane and sentenced to prison for bomb and gun attacks that killed 77 people last year.

Court finds Norwegian mass killer Breivik sane
Norwegian mass killer Breivik gestures as he arrives in the court room at Oslo CourthouseOSLO (Reuters) – A Norwegian court found Anders Behring Breivik sane on Friday and gave him a maximum jail term for murdering 77 people in a shooting and bombing last year, offering closure to a Nordic nation devastated by its worst attack since World War Two. Breivik, who has admitted blowing up the Oslo government headquarters with a fertilizer bomb, killing eight, before gunning down 69 at the ruling party's summer youth camp, was sentenced to 21 years in prison, the maximum penalty in Norway. …

Drone attacks kill 10 in Pakistan: officials
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (Reuters) – Missile-firing U.S. drone aircraft killed at least 10 people on Friday in an attack in northwest Pakistan, two Pakistani intelligence officials. The attacks targeted three walled compounds in the Shawal Valley, which is in the South Waziristan region on the border with Afghanistan, the officials said. The area has long been known as a sanctuary for militants. The drone attacks are highly controversial in Pakistan, where there is anger over civilian casualties and what is perceived as a violation of Pakistani sovereignty. But U.S. …

Pakistan: US missiles hit hideouts, kill 12
Pakistani intelligence officials say American drone-fired missiles have slammed into militant hideouts close to the Afghan border in North Waziristan, killing 12 suspected militants.

Greenpeace activists storm oil rig in Russia's Pechora Sea in protest of Arctic drilling
MOSCOW – Greenpeace activists have stormed a floating oil rig in Russia’s Pechora Sea to protest oil drilling in the Arctic, the environmental organization said on Friday.

Iran envoy expects 'progress' in IAEA talks
Ali Asghar Soltanieh said Iran's envoy to the UN atomic watchdog said that he expected "progress" in talks Friday with the agency aimed at clarifying suspicions of covert nuclear weapons research work. : Top News updates

Prosecutors: Colo. suspect angry over academics - The Associated Press
By P. SOLOMON BANDA, AP - 1 minute ago CENTENNIAL, Colorado (AP) -- James Holmes was a promising neuroscience doctoral candidate, but by the end of the program's first year, he had fallen out of favor with professors and failed a key exam, …

Lance Armstrong: seven-time Tour de France winner drops fight against doping ... - The Guardian

#tellusatoday: What did you think about Akin's rape remark? - USA TODAY

Armstrong to Be Stripped of Tour Titles, Banned for Life - Businessweek
By Rob Gloster on August 24, 2012 Cyclist Lance Armstrong will be stripped of his record seven Tour de France titles and banned from the sport for life after refusing to fight drug allegations by the US Anti-Doping Agency. "He will be banned for life …

DA seeks school files of shooting suspect - Boston Globe
AP AP/file James Holmes, shown in court in July, appeared more engaged in Thursday's hearing than previously. CENTENNIAL, Colo. -- The former student accused in a mass shooting at a Colorado movie theater was banned from his college after making threats …

Missouri conservatives rally to Akin, blast Republican "establishment" - Reuters
By Nick Carey | ST CHARLES, Missouri (Reuters) – Missouri conservatives say they are rallying around US Senate candidate Todd Akin despite his controversial comments about rape because they are outraged that "establishment" Republican Party leaders …

'Egypt affirms commitment to peace treaty with Israel' - Jerusalem Post
By JPOST.COM STAFF Egyptian defense minister telephones Israeli counter-part Ehud Barak to affirm commitment to Camp David Accords, discuss Israel-Egypt coordination on Sinai military operations, reports 'Al-Hayat.' Defense Minister Ehud Barak spoke by …

Paul Ryan's Dangerous Record on Women's Health - The Root
MSNBC political commentator Melissa Harris-Perry, in a piece at the Nation, tackles GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan's record on women's reproductive rights, determining that he has worked consistently to restrict women's access to health care …

Tropical Storm Joyce forms, stays in open Atlantic - Albany Times Union
MIAMI (AP) -- Tropical Storm Joyce has formed over the open water of the eastern Atlantic and does not pose an immediate threat to land. The US National Hurricane Center in Miami said Thursday the storm has maximum sustained winds of 40 miles per hour …

Iranian envoy upbeat ahead of U.N. nuclear talks
Iran's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ambassador Ali Asghar Soltanieh attends a news conference after talks at the U.N. headquarters in ViennaVIENNA (Reuters) – A senior Iranian envoy said he expected progress at talks on Friday with the U.N. nuclear watchdog about the Islamic state's atomic activities. "We are determined to go to a … positive conclusion," Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran's ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), told reporters. "Both sides are trying to bridge the gap." He was speaking outside's Iran's diplomatic mission in Vienna shortly before the start of his talks with U.N. inspectors seeking to unblock an agency probe into suspicions that Iran has been conducting atom bomb research. …

Norway killer to face sentence for massacre
FILE - In this July 25, 2011 file photo, Norway's twin terror attacks suspect Anders Behring Breivik, left, sits in an armored police vehicle after leaving the courthouse following a hearing in Oslo. Anders Behring Breivik the Norwegian right-wing extremist who admitted to bomb and gun attacks that killed 77 people last year will receive his judgment Friday Aug. 24, 2012 in a court room custom built for his trial. (AP Photo/Aftenposten/Jon-Are Berg-Jacobsen, File) NORWAY OUTConfessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik will receive his judgment for Norway's worst peacetime attacks, a bomb and gun rampage that left 77 people dead in July last year.

FTSE steady at open
The FTSE 100 index shed 0.17 percent to 5,766.73 points in early tradeLondon equities held steady at the start of trade on Friday, with the benchmark FTSE 100 index of leading shares down 0.17 percent to 5,766.73 points.

Oil prices fall below $96, reversing gains
The price of crude fell below $96 as oil markets grew pessimistic over the likelihood of more economic stimulus for the U.S. economy.

Tseng leads Canadian Women's Open
Tseng's round included eight birdies and a double bogeyYani Tseng, who is trying to shake off a mid-season slump, fired a six-under par 66 to grab a one-stroke lead after the opening round of the LPGA Tour's Canadian Women's Open.

Dad hopeful son, reporting in Syria, turns up safe
The father of an American journalist working in volatile regions of Syria said his son hasn’t been in contact with his editors or his family in Texas in more than a week, but he’s hopeful his son will turn up safe.

Rugby-Australia forwards told to provide better platform
AUCKLAND, Aug 24 (Reuters) – Australia’s forwards have beenasked to step up and face the All Blacks to give their backssome “front foot” ball when they meet in their crucial RugbyChampionship clash at Eden Park on Saturday. Wallabies forwards came off second best last week when theworld champions upset scrumhalf Will Genia’s rhythm and abilityto deliver clean ball to his backline and stopped them fromplaying their game as they recorded a 27-19 win in Sydney. …

Israel making inroads in halting African migration
FILE - In this Thursday, Dec. 23, 2010 file photo, dozens of African migrants cross into southern Israel through the border with Egypt. The number of Africans slipping into Israel from Egypt's Sinai desert has dropped dramatically from about 1,000 a month in recent months to 268 in July 2012, with the government crediting a soon-to-be-completed border fence and a new, get-tough policy of detaining migrants who show up at the Israeli border. (AP Photo/Assaf Golan, File) ISRAEL OUTJust a few months ago, Israel was in the midst of a nationwide uproar over the tens of thousands of African migrants who have poured into the Jewish state. Today, that influx has slowed dramatically, following a series of measures meant to halt the new arrivals.

Pujara, Dhoni put India in command over NZealand
Cheteshwar Pujara, who replaced Rahul Dravid, played some handsome shots as he hit two fours in an overCheteshwar Pujara and Mahendra Singh Dhoni strengthened India's dominant position against New Zealand on Friday in the opening Test in Hyderabad.