Falling revenues to push deficit up $5B to $26 billion, Flaherty saysOTTAWA – Canada will miss its deficit targets in each of the next four years, because global economic weakness has carved into commodity prices and tax revenues, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said today.
UN once again votes to condemn Cuba embargoThe U.N. General Assembly has once again voted overwhelmingly to condemn the U.S. embargo against Cuba for the 21st year in a row.
City engineer tells inquiry he was offered escort by construction firmsMONTREAL – A suspended City of Montreal engineer says the gifts construction companies offered to city employees didn’t end at hockey tickets and fancy dinners.
Deficit to rise $5 billion to $26 billion this year: FlahertyOTTAWA – The federal government says its deficit will hit $26 billion this year, $5 billion more than predicted, and it expects to take a year longer to balance the budget.
BBC chief to staff: Stop tweeting our troublesThe beleaguered BBC is asking its staff to tone down the tweets.
Hollande asks French voters to judge him in five years
PARIS (Reuters) – President Francois Hollande, grappling a sickly economy and dismal ratings, urged the French public on Tuesday to judge him on his long-term succ ess in reviving the country's ailing industry and halting a 17-month rise in unemployment. Stressing that low French bond yields showed that markets believed his economic policies were credible, Hollande said a move to fund tax rebates for companies with small rises in sales tax should bolster output while preserving consumer spending. …
Canada pushes back date for wiping out budget deficit
OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canada pushed back the target to wipe out its federal budget deficit by a year on Tuesday, citing the impact of a weak global economy that has dampened commodity prices. The finance department projected bigger-than-expected federal budget deficits for this year and the following three years. It now sees a return to a small surplus in 2016-17, a year later than previously planned. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, updating his March budget, said the fiscal shortfall in the current year would be C$26 billion ($26 billion), up from the previous forecast of C$21.1 billion. …
A look at US generals in Afghan warA look at what went wrong for the four U.S. generals who have led U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan since 2008:
Post-coup Bissau leader tries to restore EU ties
BISSAU (Reuters) – Guinea-Bissau's caretaker President Manuel Serifo Nhamadjo may have one of the world's toughest jobs – leading a country where cocaine smuggling is out of control, t he economy is in freefall and violence is the top means to political ends. But his biggest challenge is also the most fundamental: nearly seven months into his tenure, the European Union – once a source of hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the state – refuses to recognize his administration. …
US military behind Africa news websites
The website's headlines trumpet al-Shabab's imminent demise and describe an American jihadist fretting over insurgent infighting. At first glance it appears to be a sleek, Horn of Africa news site. But the site -- sabahionline.com -- is run by the U.S. military.
As tiny Slovenia votes, larger eurozone watches with wary eyeA populist campaign by former socialist Prime Minister Borut Pahor saw him surprise pundits by coming out top in a first-round poll for the presidency of economically troubled Slovenia.
Partying heyday long past but Stiltsville shacks still stand in Biscayne channel near MiamiMIAMI – Perched above the shallow turquoise waters of Biscayne Bay are shacks on stilts that have hosted some of Florida’s wildest parties, from the days when alcohol and gambling were outlawed, to a bachelor party for a member of the Kennedy clan.
Colombia, FARC peace talks delayed until MondayBOGOTA (Reuters) – Peace talks between Colombia’s government and FARC rebels scheduled to start in Cuba this week will be delayed until Monday so negotiators can work on “technical” details, both sides said. The discussions, which had been set to begin on Thursday, are the latest attempt to resolve a five-decade war that has left thousands dead and millions more displaced since the founding of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. Negotiations promise to be complicated, with points on the agenda that will almost certainly cause roadblocks and heated discussion. …
WHO: 107 dead from yellow fever in Darfur, SudanA yellow fever outbreak in Sudan’s Darfur region has killed 107 people in the last six weeks, the World Health Organization reported Tuesday, warning that the disease could spread all over the country.
Another four-star general engulfed by Petraeus sex scandalWASHINGTON – David Petraeus’s downfall took another victim Tuesday as the current U.S. commander in Afghanistan seemingly saw his hopes to become head of NATO go up in smoke amid allegations he exchanged thousands of “potentially inappropriate” emails with a socialite already embroiled in the sex scandal.
American diamond official urged to resign
Zimbabwe's diamond conference was rocked by controversy over the Kimberley Process, the world diamond trade regulatory body, whose chairwoman was publicly asked to resign because she is American.
Egypt's Brotherhood slams Israel over Gaza strikes
Egypt's powerful Muslim Brotherhood has sharply criticized Israel over its recent airstrikes that killed seven Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Be wary about what you read on the Petraeus scandalGeneral David Petraeus was the most lionized general of his generation. General John R. Allen, the marine who replaced him as head of the Afghan war when Petraeus went to the CIA, was likewise the subject of near unanimously fawning press.