Monday, August 13, 2012 : Top News updates

Romney promises Floridians he and Ryan will protect Medicare - CBS News
(CBS News) ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla.: After a jam-packed weekend furiously jetting around the country with his new running mate, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney flew solo in the Sunshine State today and tried to deflect Democrats' criticism of Ryan's Medicare …

Will Romney embrace Ryan's ideas for Social Security reform? - ABC News
DES MOINES, Iowa — Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan has argued for an overhaul of the federal Social Security program that would include private retirement accounts, but there is little indication that his running mate, Mitt Romney, will embrace Ryan's plan …

DRC judoka, coaches, missing - ministry
Russia's Alexander Mikhaylin (white) competes with DR Congo's Cedric Mandembo Kebika (blue) on August 3A judoka and three coaches from the Democratic Republic of Congo's Olympic delegation have gone missing after leaving the Athlete's Village at the London Games, the country's sports ministry said on Monday.

Nine killed in South Africa mine union violence
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – Nine people including two policemen have been killed in clashes between labor unions at a South African mine operated by world no. 3 platinum producer Lonmin, by far the deadliest spate of violence in a turf war rocking the sector. Lonmin said the situation was “volatile” at its Western Platinum mine, 100 km (60 miles) northwest of Johannesburg. The plant was operating at reduced capacity and was under heavy police guard. Police told Reuters two policemen died after a machete attack by a mob near the mine. …

Rifts in Egypt army enabled Morsi to make his move: analysts
Egyptians shout political slogans in support of Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi in CairoRifts among Egypt's top brass and the blow to the army's prestige dealt by a deadly raid in the Sinai gave President Mohamed Morsi the opportunity to sideline his powerful defence minister, analysts say.

Ukraine's Tymoshenko refuses to attend tax trial: daughter
A woman walks past a poster in a camp of supporters of jailed opposition leader Tymoshenko in central KievKIEV (Reuters) – Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has refused to attend a tax evasion and embezzlement trial due to restart this week, her daughter said on Monday. Tymoshenko, the main political foe of President Viktor Yanukovich, was sentenced to seven years in prison last October for abuse of office, a case that the European Union condemned as selective justice. She is now trying to get that verdict overturned by the European Court for Human Rights (EHCR) which plans to hold a public hearing on her case on Aug 28. …

Security forces swarm ancient Damascus souks
Syrians shop in the bazaar of the old city of Damascus in AprilThe Old City of Damascus, whose souks were once bustling with shoppers, was swarming with security forces Monday after the regime launched a massive sweep, barging into shops and rounding up residents.

South Africa police: 9 people, including 2 officers, killed in ongoing violent mine protests
JOHANNESBURG – Officials say ongoing violence at a platinum mine in South Africa has killed at least nine people.

Rebel video claims to show captured Syrian pilot
This image made from amateur video released by the R.Y.E. Syria and accessed Monday Aug. 13, 2012, purports to show a Syrian plane downed over the eastern province of Deir el-Zour, Syria, Monday Aug. 13, 2012. Activists released a video which they claim shows a government Soviet-made MiG warplane catching fire apparently after it was hit by ground fire while Syrian state-run media said Monday a pilot ejected from a warplane on a training mission after a technical failure. (AP Photo/R.Y.E. Syria) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTOA video issued by Syrian rebels purports to show a captured pilot who ejected from a warplane they claim they downed.

Insurance deal lets India resume shipping Iran oil
India has joined Japan in offering government-backed insurance for ships carrying Iranian crude in order to bypass European sanctions that have nearly halved Iranian oil exports to key markets.

Sanctions: A popular weapon with mixed results
This image made from amateur video released by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and accessed Monday, Aug. 13, 2012, purports to show a Free Syrian Army soldier after firing a recoilless rifle during clashes with Syrian government forces at the village of Mukhtariya in the suburbs of Homs, Syria. (AP Photo/Syrian Observatory for Human Rights via AP video) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTOEconomic sanctions have been called wars without bullets, yet their record in forcing political change has been mixed -- by some estimates successful about a third of the time.

Indian yoga guru arrested during anticorruption protest - Christian Science Monitor

Palestinian inmate has son after sneaking sperm to wife
Palestinian mother Dala looks at her new born son as she lays under a photograph of her imprisoned husband Amer al-ZeinA baby boy was born by Caesarian section on Monday, the product of a successful smuggling attempt by a Palestinian prisoner who managed to sneak out a sperm sample to his wife.

Russia says new U.S. sanctions on Iran could affect ties
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia sharply criticized new U.S. sanctions against Iran on Monday, saying the measures to punish banks, insurance companies and shippers that help Iran sell its oil would harm Moscow’s ties with Washington if Russian firms are affected. Russia, which has long opposed sanctions beyond those approved by the U.N. Security Council to pressure Tehran over its nuclear program, called the measures “overt blackmail” and a “crude contradiction of international law. …

NATO: Afghan policeman fires on coalition forces in 5th similar attack in a ... - Washington Post

No decision on Taliban transfer, but U.S. envoy sees small peace moves
KABUL (Reuters) – The United States has made no decision on whether to transfer Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to help revive Afghan peace talks, but saw signs that insurgent hostility to peace talks may be splintering, Washington’s new Kabul envoy said on Monday. U.S. Ambassador James Cunningham also urged Pakistan to play a “positive, cooperative” role in nurturing a reconciliation that the Taliban suspended in March after accusing U.S. officials of failing to honor confidence-building promises. …

Syrian fighter jet crashes in flames, cause disputed - Reuters
* State media say jet had technical problems, not shot down * Syrian opposition figure pleads for outside weapons * Bodies lie in streets of Aleppo district * Germany discourages talk of military intervention By Hadeel Al Shalchi ALEPPO, Syria, …

Iran government criticised over earthquake response - Reuters
* Not enough tents for double quake survivors, locals say * Officials say relief efforts have been speedy * Ahmadinejad leaves for official visit to Saudi Arabia * State TV criticised for underplaying gravity of disaster (Adds vice-president's visit, …

Indian police arrest protesting yoga guru
Indian yoga guru Baba Ramdev smiles after climbing the roof of a car to address his followers in New DelhiIndian police on Monday arrested famed TV yoga guru and anti-corruption campaigner Baba Ramdev as he attempted to lead a procession of thousands of supporters to parliament.

Iran opposed to suspending Syria membership in OIC - AFP
JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia -- Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi on Monday said his country opposed the expected suspension of Syria's membership in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. "I'm openly against the suspension of the membership of any …

Iran opposed to suspending Syria membership in OIC
Iranian FM Ali Akbar Salehi (centre) arrives for the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation summit in JeddahIranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi on Monday said his country opposed the expected suspension of Syria's membership in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

Vatican orders butler to stand trial, charges second man - Reuters
By Philip Pullella and Naomi O'Leary | VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – The Vatican on Monday ordered Pope Benedict's former butler to stand trial for leaking documents alleging corruption in the Holy See, revealing the involvement of a second Vatican employee …

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