Sunday, August 19, 2012 : Top News updates

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange calls on Obama to end 'witch hunt' - Newsday
World Newsday > News Print Aa WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange calls on Obama to end 'witch hunt' Originally published: August 19, 2012 9:43 AM Updated: August 19, 2012 2:53 PM By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wikileaks founder Julian Assange portrayed himself …

Assad Prays in Rare Appearance as Syrian Violence Rages - Bloomberg
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad was shown on state television yesterday praying in a Damascus mosque to mark the start of an Islamic holiday, a rare public appearance as soldiers battled rebels in several cities. State-run Syrian Television broadcast …

N. Zealand flags early Afghan exit after three killed
A New Zealand soldier walks during a patrol in Bamiyan Province in 2008New Zealand revealed Monday it was considering an early withdrawal from Afghanistan after three of its soldiers were killed in a roadside bomb attack on their convoy in Bamiyan province.

China court to give verdict in Gu murder case
Policemen stand guard outside the Intermediate People's Court in Hefei, Anhui provinceA Chinese court will pronounce judgment Monday on Gu Kailai, wife of former top politician Bo Xilai, over the murder of a British businessman in a case that set off China's biggest scandal in years.

On 1991 coup anniversary, foes say Putin has turned clock back
People lay flowers at the monument to the three victims of the 1991 coup to mark the 21st anniversary of the August Putsch in central MoscowMOSCOW (Reuters) – Kremlin foes criticized Vladimir Putin on Sunday at events commemorating the defeat of a coup that hastened the 1991 Soviet collapse, saying the Russian president had reversed progress toward democracy that seemed unstoppable 21 years ago. Opposition politicians and everyday Russians said the two-year jail sentences handed down to punk performers Pussy Riot for a protest against Putin in a cathedral were part of a crackdown that evoked Soviet-era show trials and scare tactics. …

Web snares Vietnam as bloggers spread protests over land
HANOI (Reuters) – Farmer Le Dung and his fellow villagers stockpiled rocks and petrol bombs to battle police trying to take over their land for a luxury property development near Vietnam’s capital city. But their most powerful weapon turned out to be the equipment they had set up with the help of Internet activists to record and broadcast the confrontation, which was ignored by state-controlled media. Within hours of the fight on a clear April morning, video of several thousand police firing tear gas and beating farmers in the Van Giang district just east of Hanoi had gone viral. …

Analysis: Clashes expose India's communal divide as elections loom
A woman from India's northeastern states ties the hair of her child while sitting inside the train bound for the Assam state at a railway station in KolkataNEW DELHI (Reuters) – The anonymous text message on Bhumidhar Das' mobile phone was chilling: "Muslims will attack and kill our people after Ramadan. Return home." Within hours, Das, a Hindu working at a car factory in the city of Pune, joined tens of thousands of fellow migrant workers returning to hometowns in the remote northeast after getting or hearing of similar messages. Nearly 80 people have been killed and 400,000 displaced in fighting between Muslims and mostly Hindu Bodo tribesmen in northeastern Assam state in recent weeks. …

Insight: DNA tests tell trees from the wood; curb illegal logging
SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Call it CSI: Singapore. Unlike the Crime Scene Investigators from the popular TV series, these detectives are hired to look for evidence of rogue wood from stores increasingly worried about being duped by a global trade in illegal timber now worth billions. They take wood samples into their lab and put them through DNA tests that can pinpoint the species and origin of a piece of timber. They also track timber and timber products from forest to shop to ensure clients’ shipments are legal. …

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