Sunday, January 27, 2013 : Top News updates

UAE to try 94 over plot to seize power: agency
DUBAI (Reuters) – The United Arab Emirates has ordered 94 citizens to be tried on charges of seeking to seize power in the U.S.-allied Gulf Arab country, the attorney general said in a statement on Sunday. State news agency WAM quoted the attorney general, Salem Saeed Kubaish, as saying the suspects had publicly called for adherence to the Islamic religion when in fact they were secretly plotting to take over the oil-producing country. “Their unannounced aims were to seize power and confronting the main principles which the rule is based on,” the statement said. …

Bahrain police, mourners clash after boy's funeral
MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) -- Riot police and mourners have clashed in Bahrain following the funeral of an 8-year-old boy whom opposition groups claim died from respiratory problems triggered by heavy tear gas.

AP PHOTOS: Fatal race to exits at Brazil club fire
A man carries an injured victim of a fire at the Kiss club in Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, early Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. Firefighters say that the death toll from a fire that swept through a crowded nightclub in southern Brazil has risen to 180. Officials say the fire broke out while a band was performing. At least 200 people ere also injured. (AP Photo/Agencia RBS)Here are photos showing partygoers desperately trying to help friends injured in a deadly nightclub fire in Santa Maria, Brazil. The party for university students turned fatal as the fire prompted a stampede for the exit. Firefighters and police say more than 200 are dead, and at least 200 are injured.

Fragile economy, other global woes dominated Davos
DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) -- The fragile state of the global economy and a host of other woes -- from Syria’s escalating war to the rocky fallout from the Arab Spring -- dominated the annual meeting of the global elite at Davos, casting a sense of uncertainty and foreboding over what lies ahead.

UAE charges 94 in alleged Islamist coup plot
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- The United Arab Emirates says 94 people face charges for allegedly trying to overthrow the state as part of widening crackdowns on Islamist groups with suspected links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Israeli official warns of Syrian chemical weapons
JERUSALEM (AP) -- A senior Israeli Cabinet minister has warned that the transfer of Syria’s chemical weapons to Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon could trigger an Israeli attack.

Canadian car parts suppliers set for high gear
TORONTO (Reuters) – All systems are go for Canada’s auto parts sector. A gradual economic recovery, pent-up demand for new cars and a push for more fuel-efficient components portend strong growth for the country’s biggest suppliers. The fortunes of Magna International Inc , Linamar Corp and Martinrea International Inc are tightly tied to the Detroit Three and the health of the U.S. vehicle market. The outlook for both is reason for optimism. Auto sales in the United States, still Canada’s most important parts market despite boom times in China and South America, rose 13. …

Berlusconi defends Mussolini for backing Hitler
Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi, foreground, sits in front of Norther League party's leader Roberto Maroni in Milan, Italy, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. Silvio Berlusconi says Benito Mussolini did much good, except for dictator's regime's anti-Jewish laws. Berlusconi also defended Mussolini for siding with Hitler, saying the late fascist leader likely reasoned that German power would expand so it would be better for Italy to al   ly itself with Germany. He was speaking to reporters Sunday on the sidelines of a ceremony in Milan to commemorate the Holocaust. When Germany's Nazi regime occupied Italy during World War II, thousands from the tiny Italian Jewish community were deported to death camps. In 1938, before the war's outbreak, Mussolini's regime passed anti-Jewish laws, barring them from universities and many professions, among other bans. Berlusconi called the laws Mussolini's ROME (AP) -- Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi praised Benito Mussolini for "having done good" despite the Fascist dictator's anti-Jewish laws, immediately sparking expressions of outrage as Europe on Sunday held Holocaust remembrances.

Berlusconi defends Mussolini, draws outrage from political left
Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi smiles as he arrives to attend the book launch of his friend, TV presenter Bruno Vespa, in RomeROME (Reuters) – Former prime minister Silvio Be rlusconi triggered outrage from Italy's political left on Sunday with comments defending fascist wartime leader Benito Mussolini at a ceremony commemorating victims of the Nazi Holocaust. Speaking at the margins of the event in Milan, Berlusconi said Mussolini had been wrong to follow Nazi Germany's lead in passing anti-Jewish laws but that he had in other respects been a good leader. …

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