Thursday, January 31, 2013 : Top News updates

Small business confidence rises in January: CFIB survey
TORONTO – Small business owners began the new year with a healthy boost of optimism, according to the latest business barometer index from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business.

German Parliament extends Afghan-mission
BERLIN (AP) -- Germany’s Parliament has voted to extend the country’s military mission in Afghanistan by 13 months.

Danish cyclist Michael Rasmussen expected to confess to doping at news conference
COPENHAGEN – Danish cyclist Michael Rasmussen is expected to confess that he used performance-enhancing drugs.

Exclusive: Catalonia complains to Brussels about unfair treatment by Spain
Catalunya's President Mas gestures during a speech at a session of the Catalunya's Parliament in BarcelonaBRUSSELS (Reuters) – Debt-laden Catalonia has complained t o Brussels that it is being unfairly treated by Spain's central government in the country's drive to cut its public deficit and avoid fiscal meltdown. In a January 25 letter to European Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn and seen by Reuters, Catalonia's economy chief Andreu Mas-Colell, says Madrid has not followed European guidance to share out cost-cutting efforts in line with cost burdens. …

Activists try to save old Warsaw ghetto building
People walk in front of Warsaw's Jewish community center, known as the WARSAW, Poland (AP) -- It was the place where Jewish women did their ritual bathing. It was a tuberculosis clinic. It survived the German onslaught and became a gathering point for Holocaust survivors.

EU top court says that Ryanair must provide proper care for volcano-stranded passengers
BRUSSELS – The European Union’s top court says that Irish low-cost airline Ryanair has to pay out compensation to passengers that were stranded because the 2010 volcano eruption in Iceland.

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