Wednesday, February 27, 2013 : Top News updates

Mexico plays hardball in jailing of union boss
In this photo released by Mexico's federal court system, the head of Mexico's powerful teachers' union, Elba Esther Gordillo, stands behind bars as she appears for a hearing at a federal prison in Mexico City, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013. Mexico's most powerful woman was formally charged with a massive embezzlement scheme on Wednesday, standing grim-faced behind bars live on national television in what many called a clear message that the new government is    asserting its authority. (AP Photo/Juzgado Sexto de Distrito en Procesos Penales Federales)MEXICO CITY (AP) -- The arrest of Mexico's most powerful union leader echoes the hardball tactics of Mexico's once-imperial presidency while pushing forward an education reform that Enrique Pena Nieto has made a centerpiece of his new administration.

Saskatchewan Premier Wall to tout clean coal projects in Washington trip
EDMONTON – Saskatchewan’s premier says he’s going to Washington to not only urge U.S. lawmakers to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, but also to highlight green initiatives taking place in his province.

Activist calls for prevention, not prison, to combat cyber-bullying
OTTAWA – An anti-bullying activist says threatening to throw the book at young people who bully others online likely won’t stop them from picking on their peers.

Air New Zealand says long flights profitable again
Air New Zealand says its long-distance international flights are profitable again for the first time since the global financial slowdown began.The national carrier announced Thursday its half-year profits …

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