Saturday, August 18, 2012 : Top News updates

Russia faces international condemnation over Pussy Riot - AFP
MOSCOW -- Russia on Saturday faced a storm of international criticism for sentencing three members of Pussy Riot punk band to two years in prison for their protest in an Orthodox cathedral. Speculation mounted that the women, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, …

Australia 'preparing' for Assange extradition to US
Julian Assange is wanted in Sweden for questioning on sex assault chargesAustralia confirmed Saturday that its diplomatic post in Washington had been preparing for Julian Assange's possible extradition to the US but played it down as "contingency planning".

Last UN observers start leaving Syria
A Syrian man walks by a building destroyed in an airstrike in Aleppo city, Syria, Friday, Aug. 17, 2012. Rebel footholds in Aleppo have been the target of weeks of Syrian shelling and air attacks as part of wider offensives by President Bashar Assad's regime. Rebels have been driven from some areas, but the report of clashes near the airport suggests the battles could be shifting to new fronts. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)A United Nations spokeswoman says the last U.N. observers still in Syria have started to leave the country as their mission officially ends at midnight Sunday.

Kim visits North Korea's army unit that launched 2010 shelling of South
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un visits a sub-unit under the Korean People's Army Unit 552 in this undated picture released by the North's official KCNA news agency in PyongyangSEOUL (Reuters) – North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has visited a frontline military detachment, state media reported, and reminded troops of their duty to fight a "sacred war" against any provocation by South Korea. His visit, and his recent resumption of "field guidance" to military units, precede annual war games by allies South Korea and the United States. The military drills are scheduled to begin on Monday and continue until August 31. …

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