Sandy-hit areas struggle to resume daily life - CBS News

A new 'Star Wars' film? And more news Sandy may have caused you to miss - The Star-Ledger - NJ.com

China prioritizes use of natural gas by vehicles, ships
BEIJING (Reuters) – China unveiled on Wednesday a natural gas policy designed to spur the transport sector’s use of the cleaner-burning fuel, and particularly of liquefied natural gas (LNG), as the world’s second-largest user of fuel reins in consumption of dirtier oil. Besides homes, utilities and factories, the government for the first time targeted the transport sector, covering buses, taxis, trucks, and vessels as preferred users of natural gas, according to a document published on the website of the National Development & Reform Commission (www.ndrc.gov.cn). …
Eurozone unemployment rises to new record
Dad says Australian extortionist almost succeeded
The father of a teenager who spent 10 hours in a Sydney mansion with a fake bomb chained around her neck revealed Wednesday he might not have called the police had he known it carried an extortion note.
US, EU to ethnic Serbs: You have a home in Kosovo
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is touring a Serbian Orthodox church in Kosovo as she seeks to convince ethnic Serbs they have a home in Europe’s youngest nation.
Gunmen kill 20 in northern Nigeria's Zamfara state
KADUNA, Nigeria (Reuters) – Gunmen suspected to be armed robbers have killed 20 people in a village in the northwest Nigerian state of Zamfara, authorities said on Wednesday, a similar attack to one in June. Dozens of men armed with guns stormed Kaburu village early on Tuesday morning, demanding money before shooting and hacking people to death, local residents said. “They were all shot to death while the village head was slaughtered with a sword,” local government spokesman Salihu Anga told Reuters by phone. …
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