VANCOUVER – A B.C. Supreme Court justice says a co-owner of the Vancouver Canucks hockey team won’t have to sell more than 1,900 bottles of wine to help pay for his estranged wife’s legal fees.
RCMP officer found guilty of aggravated assault for shooting man in driveway
DUNCAN, B.C. – An RCMP officer has been found guilty of aggravated assault for shooting a man in the shoulder during a traffic stop on Vancouver Island.
Ex-San Diego Mayor O'Connor admits taking charity funds as she wagered $1 billion gambling
SAN DIEGO – Former San Diego Mayor Maureen O’Connor acknowledged Thursday in federal court that she took $2.1 million from her late husband’s charitable foundation and gambled it away during a nearly decade-long binge when she wagered more than $1 billion.
Don't worry earthlings: fly-by asteroid won't be a disasteroid
MONTREAL – An asteroid about half the size of a football field will make a very close visit to Earth on Friday and will even be affected by the planet’s gravitational pull.
Criminal case delayed in Paraguay land killings
Record snowfall giving ski resorts a holiday weekend boost in Northeast
MONTPELIER, Vt. – The record storm that dumped 2 1/2 feet of snow on the streets and suburbs of southern New England and New York last week has primed the ski resorts of northern New England for the President’s Day holiday that could help erase memories of last year’s dismal season.
Egypt military offers rare apology for child death
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