Wednesday, November 7, 2012 : Top News updates

Bloomberg Endorses Obama, Citing Climate Change - New York Times
Mr. Bloomberg, a political independent in his third term leading New York City, has been sharply critical of both Mr. Obama, a Democrat, and Mitt Romney, the president's Republican rival, saying that both men have failed to candidly confront the problems …

Insight: Putin's Russia - more fragile than it looks
Workers attach pre-election poster featuring then Russia's President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin in KrasnodarMOSCOW (Reuters) – When Vladimir Putin celebrated his 60th birthday this month, a group of patriotic mountaineers unfurled a portrait of the Russian leader on a 4,150-metre mountain peak. Hailing him as a guarantor of happiness and stability, the climbers' leader explained: "We have stuck Putin's portrait on a rock wall we see as unbreakable and eternal as Putin". But as Putin nears the end of his 13th year ruling this vast country, Russians feel increasingly unhappy and worries over long-term political and economic stability are growing. …

Peru cuts commercial fishing drastically on worries about stocks
Women sell fish at a stand in the popular fish market of Villa Maria del TriunfoLIMA (Reuters) – Peru has slashed its commercial fishing quota as warmer water temperatures and controversial practices deplete stocks of anchovy in one of the world's richest f isheries. The government cut its quota for this summer's anchovy season by 68 percent to 810,000 tonnes, the smallest allowance in 25 years. Anchovy is rarely eaten fresh, but is instead dried, ground up and exported as a protein-rich feed for livestock and farmed fish. …

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