Wednesday, November 7, 2012 : Top News updates

Where Did All the Gasoline Go? - The Atlantic Wire
The images of Sandy that are dominating the airwaves have morphed from darkened skylines and flooded subway tracks into a new kind of menace: long lines. From commuters waiting for buses that never come to drivers stuck on bridge exit ramps and …

Foster Wheeler moving HQ again, this time near London
(Reuters) – Engineering company Foster Wheeler AG is moving its corporate headquarters for the second time in three years, this time from Geneva to a city just outside London. According to a letter amending the contract of Chief Executive Kent Masters, the date of the company’s headquarters move from Switzerland to Reading, England, is March 1, 2013. The letter was submitted to U.S. securities regulators on Thursday. No further details were immediately available, and a New Jersey-based spokeswoman for the company was not immediately available for comment. …

One-in-four South Africans jobless, mine layoffs loom
Striking miners chant slogans as they gather at the AngloGold Ashanti mine in CarletonvilleJOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – South Africa's unemployment rate rose in the third quarter, with more than one in four out of work and unrest in the mining sector expecte d to drive that number higher still. The ruling African National Congress (ANC) has made job creation a priority, but the rate has been stuck above 20 percent for more than a decade despite periods of strong economic growth, fuelling social unrest. Joblessness increased to 25.5 percent of the labor force, Statistics South Africa said on Thursday, putting 197,000 more workers on the streets during the quarter. The agency said 4. …

Dissident says reforming Lukashenko's Belarus impossible
Former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov speaks with supporters after a news conference in MinskLONDON (Reuters) – Belarussian dissident Andrei Sannikov, granted political asylum in Britain, is worried about the safety of his family he lef t behind but believes the autocratic government of President Alexander Lukashenko could eventually fall, he said on Thursday. A former deputy foreign minister, Sannikov, 58, moved to Britain in August after being released from prison where he said officials tried to push him to kill himself. …

Labour party embraces old foes in risky European gamble
Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron and opposition Labour leader Ed Miliband process to the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament in central LondonLONDON (Reuters) – Givi ng Prime Minister David Cameron a bloody nose over Europe may have given Britain's opposition Labour Party a short-term glow, but their lurch towards the anti-Brussels camp risks leaving them divided, isolated and lacking credibility. After years of broadly pro-European policies, the centre-left party joined a rebellion organised by members of Cameron's Conservatives demanding he pushes for a real-terms cut in the European Union budget at talks this month. …

Support for jihadists in Syria swells as US backing of rebels falls short
When asked about the role of Islamic jihadists in Syria’s long-burning civil war, an Aleppo hospital doctor recalled what prompted one Syrian to join their ranks.

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