Tuesday, November 6, 2012

seenewstoday.com : Top News updates

Nigerian forces making Islamist insurgency worse: Amnesty
ABUJA (Reuters) – Human rights abuses committed by Nigeria’s security forces in their fight against Islamist sect Boko Haram are fuelling the very insurgency they are meant to quell, Amnesty International said on Thursday. Boko Haram says it wants to create an Islamic state in Nigeria and its fighters have killed hundreds in bomb and gun attacks targeting security forces, politicians and civilians since launching an uprising in 2009. The sect has become the No. 1 security threat to Africa’s top energy producer. …

China's communist elite readies for power transfer
China’s ruling communist elite are finalizing preparations for a painstakingly choreographed transfer of power to a younger generation of leaders.

Amplats says strike-hit South Africa mines still down
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – Anglo American Platinum said on Thursday it did not have sufficient staff at its strike-hit mines in South Africa to operate as workers had not yet accepted a company offer to reinstate sacked miners and returned to work. The world’s top platinum producer said it was losing an average of 3,694 ounces of platinum per day due to the wildcat strike, which is now its seventh week. To date 141,640 ounces of platinum have been lost, it said. (Reporting by Agnieszka Flak; Editing by Ed Cropley)

Nigerian pirates free six Russians, one Estonian
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Pirates have released seven sailors – six Russians and an Estonian – seized after an attack on a ship operated by French firm Bourbon SA off the coast of Nigeria, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said on Thursday. A ministry statement said the freed crew, kidnapped on October 15, were “feeling well” and would soon be flown home, but gave no details on how the sailors’ release was secured. After the abduction of the sailors from the vessel, the Liberty Bourbon 249, another nine crew members remained onboard and maintained course toward the Nigerian port of Onne. …

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