Tuesday, November 6, 2012

seenewstoday.com : Top News updates

ADP says US businesses added 158,000 jobs in October, up from 114,000 in September
Payroll provider ADP said on Thursday that businesses added 158,000 jobs in October, picking up the pace set in the previous month.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg says NYC Marathon to go on Sunday after damage from Superstorm Sandy
NEW YORK, N.Y. – Inspiring or inappropriate? New Yorkers and runners from around the world debated whether a marathon should be run with disaster for a backdrop.

Hollande stands tough against anti-Semitism
A French demonstrator holds a placard that reads: France's president is vowing to fight terrorism and anti-Semitism on online social networks and beyond, as he pays homage to four people killed at a Jewish school in the country's worst terrorist attack in years.

Savile estate frozen due to potential abuse claims
The bank handling the estate of late British entertainer Jimmy Savile’s said Thursday it has frozen his assets to make it easier for possible sex abuse victims to make financial claims.

Bulgarians use Facebook to expose slipshod police
SOFIA (Reuters) – Fed up with ineffective law enforcement, thousands of Bulgarians have flocked to a Facebook page showcasing images of police breaking rules or failing to do their duty. The “Photograph a Policeman” group includes pictures of badly parked patrol cars, including one in a disabled spot and another on a pedestrian crossing, and a police motorcyclist pulling a “wheelie” – on the wrong side of the road. In another image, a uniformed policeman holds an open bottle of beer while sitting at the wheel of a patrol car. …

Lonmin PLC may restructure after violent strike
Lonmin Platinum says it must restructure its operations after a violent wildcat strike reduced its output and caused the deaths of more than 40 people.

Canada PM won't deal with foreign investment rules on trip-aide
OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is not expected to unveil a new policy framework for reviewing foreign takeovers of Canadian companies during a Nov 3-11 trip to Asia, a top aide to Harper said on Thursday. The Conservative government has promised to present the new guidelines around the same time it announces its decision on the $15.1 billion bid by China’s state-owned CNOOC Ltd 0883.HK for oil producer Nexen Inc NXY. …

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